I shot Kodak Gold again

I’d love to say I stumbled across this multi-storey car park but really I  pass it… a lot!

I’ve been meaning to scan these negatives since I got them back from the developers (London Film Lab) but quite frankly I couldn’t find it in me to scan them / I had to prioritising other projects, that paid!

Mamiya C33 105mm f.3.5

I’ve written about Kodak Gold 200 a few times ( Interiors on Kodak Gold 200) and I really like this film stock, I think it renders colours really beautifully and it’s a really nice one to shoot with if you are on a budget or not! I found this quote recently by Lee Friedlander as I was getting into my head about where to shoot next/ what was my next personal project.

“You don’t have to go looking for pictures. The material is generous. You go out and the pictures are staring at you.”

I don’t know about you… but I find myself having to plan plan plan a photo walk and I find myself swirling around in my head when in retro spect, doing what my Swedish ancestors did,  keeping it simple! Enjoy the process of walking and exploring with your camera and like Lee Friedlander said so eloquently “The material is generous.” I’ve been trying to do this more and that’s when I aimlessly walked around this very empty car park one evening.

I really like how the scans came out actually, its nothing ground breaking in terms of composition/ fascinating scenes as its a literally just a car park but it was the process of not planning and timing with the evening sun the images came out half decent.

Big thanks to Kodak Gold 200!


Books that influenced my work


Interiors on Kodak Gold 200